
The Cooperative Serapia, which for years has been working on the exploitation of the territory through hiking in nature, environmental education and sustainable tourism, in the PugliaSlowTour project of the InPuglia regional plan365 "Summer beyond the sea", launches a photographic contest to tell all his bikers in Apulia in slow mode with a photographic shot.

Modes of Participation

All those who join the PugliaSlowTour program can participate, who during the various stages tell the experience with photo shoots.

So just just click and share on our fanpage of facebook or tagged us on instagram @pugliaslowtour. Also, we must not forget the hastags: #pugliaslowtour #inpuglia365 #coopserapia. 

Who will receive more like by October 1 2017 will be our winner.

Below are all photos of the contest with hashtag #pugliaslowtour